Gaughan Institute Releases 2020 Schedule
Over the years, Gaughan Association Management has not only recognized the need to ensure their staff is well educated but also the knowledge the Board of Directors and Homeowners need to receive.
The more education provided to the Board and Homeowners, the more efficiently the associations can operate.
Each member of the Board of Directors volunteers their services while taking on significant responsibilities and liabilities. Through our educational sessions, the Boards can become more confident in their decisions. Educated Homeowners also feel secure in their Boards’ leadership.

Gaughan Association Management is excited to release the following schedule of educational sessions for 2020:
Board Basics Insurance: Types of Policies, Market Trends
Presented By: Eric Skarnes, Insurance Warehouse
When: Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Location: Water’s Edge Clubhouse in Hugo
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
HOA Lending Solutions
Presented By: George Toubekis, Pacific Premier Bank (PPBI)
When: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Location: The Tavern Grill in Blaine
Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Roundtable Presentations & Discussions
Reserves: Components, Updates and Statutory Requirements
Presented By: Finn Jacobsen, Smith Jadin Johnson
Landscape – Winter Kill/Pet Damage/Grub Control/Chemical Applications
Presented By: Lunseth
Irrigation – Make Every Drop Count: The New Reality of Negligent Irrigation
Presented By: Matt Kuha, Irrigation By Design
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (D&O): Non-Monetary/Personal/Individual Protection
Presented By: Tony Ciro, American Family Insurance
When: Saturday, March 7, 2020
Location: Smith Jadin Johnson Conference Room in Bloomington
Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Board Basics: Efficient Board & Annual Meetings
Presented By: Smith Jadin Johnson
When: Wednesday April 22, 2020
Location: Smith Jadin Johnson Conference Room in Bloomington
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Board Basics: Landscape & Snow Removal Contracts
Presented By: Birch, Inc
When: Monday, September 21, 2020
Location: Birch, Inc in Little Canada
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Roundtable Presentations & Discussions
Maintenance Obligations: Limited Common vs Common vs Unit – Who is Responsible?
Presented By: Nancy Polomis, Hellmuth & Johnson
Surplus Funds/Minutes and Conducting Reviews/Audits
Presented By: Michael Mullen, Michael P Mullen CPA|PLLC
Insurance: Crime/Fidelity/Employee Dishonesty
Presented By: Jake Nelson, Wise Insurance Agency
Slip & Fall Liability
Presented By: KC Ahrens, Hellmuth & Johnson
When: Saturday, November 7, 2020
Location: Hellmuth & Johnson in Edina
Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Contact us today to register for one or all of the sessions.
We look forward to you joining us!
Gaughan Attends Annual Who’s Who Showcase
Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth yesterday. We thoroughly enjoyed The Who’s Who in Building & Showcase (hosted by The Blue Book Network) and plan on attending again next year!
Our construction project managers were able to meet local and national subcontractors, vendors, customers, and other exhibitors. We are always looking to work with the best in the business in order to provide our clients with the highest quality construction. The Who’s Who Showcase is an excellent event for networking and learning about the latest news and technologies in the construction industry.
If you didn’t get to meet our team at the event or if you did and would like to discuss working with a quality general contractor, call us at 651-464-5700.
Team Building Brings Big Thrills
Every year, Gaughan Companies hosts an annual team building event for all of its employees. This year, we took a day during the week to go to Big Thrill Factory in Oakdale with the whole company.
After an address from the company president, Patrick Gaughan, the attendees ate lunch and gathered into smaller groups in order to connect one-on-one with their coworkers. Our staff is growing, and with many of them at locations throughout the Twin Cities, it is important for us to take the time for these team building activities.
We participated in activities like go karts, laser tag, a ropes course, indoor zip line, and other events, like the Gaughan Jeopardy game. The atmosphere was filled with good spirits and friendly competition!
We appreciate our employees and all that they do for our company and our community. We are blessed to have a wonderful group to work with!