In Minnesota, summer is a coveted season, and in the construction industry, it is the busiest season. There aren’t too many months out of the year when building can be done outside. In order to maximize the benefits of this season, general contractors need to prepare their construction sites for the chance of severe weather because while the weather can be perfect for construction, it can also be dangerous.

Late spring and summer severe weather in Minnesota includes torrential rains, flooding, hail, wind storms and tornados. These can all slow down construction and drastically increase the cost of a project if major damage and delays happen.

For wind storms and tornados, discuss with the project engineer where structure bracing can be done. Confirm that all loose materials and tools are properly secured or stored away. Airborne machinery can cause damage to more than just a construction site.

For rain and flooding, install temporary or permanent drainage systems where necessary. If a storm is approaching, check that these systems are free of debris. To also prepare for hail, temporary roofing or material coverings should be put into place until the permanent roof and building openings are all secured.

As every good general contractor knows, always check for severe weather alerts and have emergency plans put into place before the project begins.

-Jeff Bock